Infrastructure provides the foundation of every nation‟s economy and quality of life, thus investing in aging infrastructure therefore, is essential in supporting healthy and vibrant communities. Inadequate supply, very poor state of available infrastructure coupled with poor maintenance culture of the few existing ones lead to decay and deterioration. This has been adjudged the major hindrance to ease of doing business in Nigeria. Thus, this study was aimed at developing strategies for public private partnership (PPP) in Nigerian public infrastructure maintenance. The study utilised a mixed methods approach adopting questionnaires, interview and observation methods in collecting of data. Simple random sampling was used in the questionnaire survey among the construction professionals, while a purposive sampling technique was used for selecting the participants for the interview. With a response rate of 40.08%, the gathered data were analysed using percentile, mean item score (MIS), relative importance index (RII), regression analysis, and content analysis. The study found that building walls, painted surfaces, toilet facilities, electrical services and floor are the components of building requiring frequent maintenance. Also, public buildings are in bad state, and this condition was attributed to no maintenance culture, and poor budgetary provision for maintenance. The current models for infrastructure maintenance are „labour only method‟ and „direct labour methods‟. High life cycle cost, poor quality of maintenance work, weak/little competition in public services, Inefficient risks allocation, and Delay in infrastructure provision, maintenance and additional revenue; are the limitations of the current maintenance system used. The major effects of PPP maintenance model on infrastructure are: PPP Improves/ better Service Quality of maintenance work, PPP maintenance contract will help to prevent sudden breakdown of building component and equipment, PPP ensures More Efficient Allocation of Risk, the use of PPP model will help to Prevent building collapse. It was concluded that PPP has the potential to change the maintenance narrative of public infrastructures. It was recommended to engender the culture of maintenance and adequate budgetary provision for maintenance work.
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Statement of the Problem
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